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How well do you know bike traffic rules?

08 Dec 2022

Everything is above board. What traffic rules apply to cyclists?

In road traffic, road users have certain rights - but also a lot of responsibilities! This affects all road users without exception: car drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians - but of course also people who are travelling by bicycle. Contrary to the often prevailing assumption that ignoring these rules as a cyclist is "not that bad", you are mistaken. A violation can be punished with fines, points in Flensburg or even the loss of your driving license (if you have one).

Right or wrong? Traffic rules for cyclists

Do you think you know the common traffic rules for cyclists? Then try the following little quiz on the best bicycle traffic rules and decide whether the following statements are answered with "True" or "False". But don't cheat!

Wearing a helmet is mandatory

Wrong. Wearing a helmet is expressly recommended, but there is no legal requirement to wear one. If it were up to us, the rule would be: wear a helmet - always! It can protect you from serious head injuries and, in some cases, even save your life!

Headphones are allowed while driving

Correct. As long as what you hear is loud enough that it doesn't affect your perception of what's going on around you. So you should still be able to hear traffic and especially sirens clearly.

It is permitted to drive against the direction of traffic in a one-way street

This statement is correct if the entry ban is supplemented by the additional sign "CYCLISTS ALLOWED". Then the one-way street may "exceptionally" be used against the direction of travel.

The pedestrian traffic light applies to bicycles

Wrong. This used to be the case, but has not been the case since 2017. If there is no special traffic light for cyclists, cyclists must follow the normal traffic light. By the way: The green arrow for turning right can be used by both drivers and cyclists.

Cycling while under the influence of alcohol is permitted

Wrong, but: This is, as with driving a car, partially wrong, or partially right. Basically, anyone who is drunk on the road can lose their driving license (if they have one). The blood alcohol limit is crucial. From 1.6 per mille or when a cyclist is no longer able to control their bike, it is a criminal offense. In comparison: When driving a car, the blood alcohol limit is 0.5 per mille. This can be "rewarded" with points and fines. If an accident occurs, cyclists can expect a fine if they have 0.3 per mille alcohol in their blood. In the worst case, they can lose their license. The same rules apply to e-bikes and pedelecs as to non-motorized bikes. Regardless of whether you are still within the blood alcohol limit or not, driving under the influence of alcohol is generally not a good idea. Because: Nobody wants to have an accident. So after a party or visiting friends, it is better to push your bike or leave it behind.

Cyclists are allowed to ride on the sidewalk

Basically, this statement is wrong. With a few exceptions. Children under 9 years of age must use the sidewalk, and up to 10 years of age they are allowed to. From 11 years of age, the same rules apply as for adults. An adult supervisor aged 16 or over may accompany a child under 9 on the sidewalk. Apart from that, cyclists are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk unless the additional sign "CYCLISTS ALLOWED" is in sight. Pushing, however, is permitted.

The mobile phone can be used on the bicycle

Correct – but only if the mobile phone is not in your hand. For example, making calls using a hands-free device or listening to music with headphones is permitted under certain conditions (see above). Anyone who wants to pick up the phone to make a call must get off the bike.

Cycle paths must be used

Correct, provided they are marked as a CYCLE PATH, SHARED PEDESTRAL AND CYCLE PATH or SEPARATE PEDESTRAL AND CYCLE PATH. There are exceptions if the use of the cycle path is unreasonable, for example due to obstacles such as a parked car, scaffolding, snow or similar. The road may generally be used by all vehicles.

The bike may only be pushed across the zebra crossing

Correct. If you want to claim the right of way that applies at a pedestrian crossing, that is correct. This only applies to pedestrians and wheelchair users. Anyone cycling across the zebra crossing must pay attention to the traffic crossing on the road.

Fines for cyclists – a brief overview

The applicable fines for traffic violations are regulated in the so-called catalog of fines. For example, using a mobile phone without a hands-free device costs 55 euros, driving without or with defective lights costs 20 euros. A red light violation without endangering is punished with a 60 euro fine and an additional point in Flensburg - if there is an endangerment or an accident, the amounts are significantly higher. An overview for cyclists:

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